Intuitive sessions

Energy Healing, Intuitive Guidance + Tarot

This is a 75 Min Intuitive Session that will take place on zoom.

Come as you are. You can bring questions or simply lean back and receive helpful messages from Spirit that will support you on your path.

This session is perfect for you if you are:

  • seeking counsel around next steps

  • needing perspective about a relationship

  • focusing on your holistic health

  • curious how to manifest greater abundance

  • desiring direction or a deeper connection to your purpose

  • having a spiritual awakening and you’re trying to make sense of your life

  • wanting reconnection with your soul, your creativity & your inspiration

During the first half of our session, I will give you a live tarot reading to explore relevant themes, personal questions & guidance from your spirit team.

The second half of our session will include a Reiki Energy Healing as I scan your chakras and auric field.

I will assist you to become aware of energy blockages and offer you tools to quickly clear them away, so that you can step into a space of powerful alignment.

Please bring your questions, intentions or curiosities. 

Schedule An Intuitive Session