THE ASTROLOGY OF APRIL 2024: Surprises Through The Wild Terrain

April 2024 is full of significant astrological events, so let’s buckle up and prepare for the unexpected! When May 1st arrives, it’s likely we’ll look back in awe at the multitude of changes that were brought about this month, anchoring us into a new timeline altogether.

Not only do we have a powerfully healing Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8th, we’ll experience a rare conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus in the sign of Taurus on April 20th.

This conjunction will be like a shockwave ushering in scientific innovation, spiritual discoveries, and a collective uncovering of buried truths. This is a month where another huge portion of the world will awaken, as mysteries and hidden agendas come to light, sparking a revolutionary impulse in the masses. This process can be uncomfortable, as changes often are, and as perceptions of the nature of reality, shift.

Taurus rules money, the environment, food and real estate, and it’s likely we’ll notice radical developments or changes in these areas. The nature of Uranus is liberating and electrifying, while Jupiter expands whatever it touches. Therefore, expect nothing less than wide-scale liberation & creative solutions to long-held problems, personally and collectively. The ways in which we limit ourselves through rigid thinking or stubbornness can be transcended this April, with the assistance of great cosmic support.

From April 1st to April 25th, Mercury will be retrograde in Aries giving way to a stop/start feeling. Aries is known to be assertive and fiery, with an impulsive streak. Mercury rules communication, technology, commerce and the mind. When a planet goes retrograde, the natural impulse and forward momentum is thwarted and turned inward. Double check those emails, cultivate patience with your contacts and avoid hasty signing of anything, without reading the fine print.

With the Sun, Mercury, and then Venus in Aries on the 4th of the month, it’s a YES to trusting in our warrior-like ambition to actualize our dreams. But also a YES, to surrendering and allowing certain pieces to fall together in their own divine timing. It’s almost as though the road map to get where we are going, is slowly but surely being revealed to us as we move through the month. Mars will still be in nebulous Pisces until April 30th, which asks us to discover the meaning of aligned action. There IS a time to act, and if we are truly listening to our intuitive faculties, we will know when that time is, without relentlessly spinning our wheels.

It’s a great time to cultivate patience and compassion with the parts of ourselves that are still catching up with enormous change, and to look before we leap. We may have a run in with the past this April, whether it’s old friends, loves, or colleagues. We’ll have an opportunity to address these situations with a fresh mindset, and very clearly see where we stand in relationship to those connections.

The epic and highly anticipated New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries will take place on April 8th at 19 degrees. This eclipse is exactly conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer. The North Node which represents our soul’s direction is also in Aries. This eclipse may shine light on where we have become too self-reliant, and where hyper-independence or toughness has taken the place of interdependence and authentic feeling.

We can become aware of walls we’ve created out of past hurts or betrayals and where we struggle to let others in. Anger can surface, as Aries is after all, connected to War. Chiron, which is linked to raw and tender emotion can make this process uncomfortable, but ultimately healing. We may also be exploring our relationship to urgency culture and where we can learn to find peace with where we are, while dropping our need to be or do more. It’s time to put the sword (or shield) down, remember that life’s not a race, and to let others help us in the ways we require. A more real version of us is waiting to be uncovered and shared.

On April 19th the Sun enters Taurus, sign of sensual pleasures and earthly delights. Our nervous system is supported through this movement of the Sun. As we ground ourselves in simplicity and nature, the buzz and acceleration of change no longer feels overwhelming. We are reminded that we can take one day at a time. The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 23rd invites us into a meeting with our intense or passionate side, asking us to do a sweep of any cobwebs that prevent us from knowing our truest essence.

I trust this was of service to you as you navigate the month ahead.

With Love,

Lauren Alexandra Mulhern

Transformational Coach, Intuitive Guide, Evolutionary Astrologer

Current Ways To Work With Me

  1. Book Your Monthly Mapping Tarot Reading For April: Navigate The Month With Ease & Confidence

  2. Schedule an Astrology Session to Make Powerful Leaps During This Eclipse Season:

  3. Join “From Anxious To Empress” My Upcoming Group Course That Starts This Wednesday April 3rd!


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