The Astrology Of March 2024: Navigating the void before birth
It’s safe to say that March will be a profound month from an Astrological perspective. We are traversing new territory since Pluto entered Aquarius on January 20th, a transit that hasn’t occurred in 226 years (minus a brief stint in 2023). This March, not only do we have our first Eclipse of 2024, we’ll also experience an exalted Venus (auspicious), a Pisces New Moon & the Astrological New Year towards the end of the month. These times are cathartic, revolutionary & potentially overwhelming— our soul’s authentic path is calling to us louder than ever before. We are sifting for the valuable, clearing out our psychic closet, and searching for solutions to very big problems on a personal and global scale.
The Sun is plunging deeper into the mutable, creative waters of Pisces, while some planets continue making their move through Aquarius. Mars is in Aquarius for most of the month and we are feeling rebellious, seeking innovative solutions and approaches to problems that present themselves personally, relationally and otherwise. Our desire nature is evolving in a big way. We can lean upon the intuitive and compassionate nature of Pisces as we meet growth edges that transform and shape our self-concept. Granting ourselves a hefty dose of divine grace will be beneficial as we humanly navigate these unprecedented times. If you feel as though you are tired, rest assured it is because much is being processed on the inner planes. This is a time to work smarter, not harder.
Pisces is, after all, the final zodiac sign and represents a time of conclusions, subconscious purging and release. Pisces season is a time of dreaming (maybe a little scheming) and imagining a new way forward. This is a season less about doing, but of reflection and perhaps grieving. Grant yourself the space to feel and avoid the tendency to bypass challenging emotions. The desire to escape can be strong now. Karmic Saturn is also in Pisces, asking us to find the balance between practicality and spirituality; committing to spiritual practices that build our resilience and ability to centre ourselves within the uncertainty. We are invited to dissolve the accumulated baggage of the past year and beyond, before we meet the Astrological New Year on March 19th, when the Sun gears up and moves into fiery Aries.
March 19th represents a powerful portal as the Sun enters Aries & the Spring Equinox greets us with the sparkling potential and beauty of a fresh cycle. Re-birth! Pat yourself on the back for the fortitude and resilience it took to get here. May this next cycle be one of brilliance, fruition and increased energy. The Astrological new year is a fantastic time to plant new seeds and be courageous about initiating action in support of those intentions, dreams and God-given desires.
As we venture deeper into March we will meet the first eclipse of 2024. This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will take place in Libra on March 25th. It is important to note, Eclipses serve as cosmic course correctors. This will be a major culmination point for our relationships in some way. Eclipse season is a great time to work with an Astrologer such as myself to see how your personal chart will be activated and which areas of your life will be influenced most. Eclipses pushes us into greater alignment and can often bring shake-ups that end up redirecting our path. Cardinal Sign Placements (Aries, Libra, Cancer & Capricorn) are likely to feel this Eclipse Season most.
Prepare for the unexpected, as the hand of fate may be more visible during this time!
Important Dates
March 1 — Sun in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus
A fruitful alignment that brings about a feeling of prosperity and tangible gifts. Raise your frequency to open the door to the blessings you are meant to receive today.
March 3 — Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
Relationship or financial shake-ups can be expected today. It’s best to go with the flow & surrender your ego’s expectations of what “should” happen. A favourite mantra of mine when things are uncertain is, “I place my future in the hands of God.” - A Course In Miracles
March 9 — Mercury enters Aries
Being direct (yet diplomatic) wins. Mercury will be in Aries longer than usual this year, due to its upcoming retrograde in the sign. There is a natural fieriness to communications now and perhaps a greater connection to our anger or rage. Give these feelings an expression if they arise so they don’t end up harming others. This is a great transit to learn something new or start new projects requiring mental agility or a bold, pioneering attitude.
March 10 — New moon in Pisces
This is a great new moon to do some emotional spring cleaning & re-connect with your deepest wishes. This New Moon will be conjunct Neptune in Pisces, giving it an ultra-dreamy, heavenly feel. A tendency to get swept away in emotional fantasy is likely. Do something creative today! You will find a restored connection to the divine and receive sparks of spiritual insight that guide you forward.
March 11 — Venus enters Pisces
Venus is happy in Pisces, so expect to feel more connected to your romantic and loving nature during this transit. Even if your external world isn’t exactly how you would have it, you will be more able to access your rose-coloured glasses. Go with the flow, give & receive love in abundance! This is a heart expanding transit that will have you opening up to infinity of universal love and feeling the cushion of divine guidance in your personal affairs.
March 19 — Sun enters Aries / Spring Equinox / Astrological New Year /Ostara
The desire to initiate may emerge stronger during Aries Season than it was during Pisces season. Rightly so! It is a new year, and the celebration of new life! The desire to experience life freely and without restrictions is reviving itself within us. (Think the Fool Card in Tarot!) Take a leap towards that which your innocent heart calls you toward.
March 22 — Mars enters Pisces
Mars is direct and fiery. The sign of Pisces is mystical and notoriously indirect. Hence why this transit is an uncomfortable one for Mars. We may be feeling the pull towards beginning again, where part of us remains unsure of how to make the moves that will take us there. There may be some doubts and insecurities in regards to how we move in the world; how to get where we want to go. Now is the time to forget the “How” but to focus on the “Why” behind our actions. Your “Why” will be the organizing and magnetic force that leads your actions intelligently.
March 25 — Full moon lunar eclipse in Libra
Libra is the sign of the “Other”. Our relationship to Self is likely to be starkly illuminated now, through the mirror of other people. Are you able to set boundaries and honour your authentic yes/no? Do you need to let your guard down in order to invite greater intimacy? Do you find yourself living to please others and forget your own needs? A major cycle is closing out with how we relate to these, and similar themes. How we relate to others, our personal ego in relationships, our ability to find balance, and honouring our personal truth as we navigate intimacy is worthy of reflection now.
I hope this was of service to you as you navigate the month ahead!
Current Ways To Work With Me
Book a Private Tarot Reading to help you Navigate March 2024 with Ease, Inspiration & Confidence
Schedule an Astrology Reading to Make Powerful Leaps During The Upcoming Eclipse Season:
With Love,
Lauren Alexandra Mulhern
Transformational Coach, Intuitive Guide, Evolutionary Astrologer